Fee Structure


S.No. Descriptions Addmission Time Nursery to UKG I & II III To V VI To VIII IX X XI XII
1 Registration (One Time) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 --- 1000 ---
2 Addmission Fee (One Time) 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 --- 5000 ---
3 Misc. Exp. (One Time) 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 --- 5000 ---
4 Tuition Fee (Yearly) 27000 33000 34000 40000 44000 44000 54000 54000
Total 38000 44000 45000 51000 55000 44000 65000 54000
Payment Mode
1 I Installment At the time of Admission 17750 19250 19500 21000 22000 11000 24500 13500
2 II Installment 1st July - 10th July 6750 8250 8500 10000 11000 11000 13500 13500
3 III Installment 1st October - 10th October 6750 8250 8500 10000 11000 11000 13500 13500
4 IV Installment 1st January - 10th January 6750 8250 8500 10000 11000 11000 13500 13500
GRAND TOTAL 38000 44000 45000 51000 55000 44000 65000 54000
Note 1 - If you paid full fee in one installment , then Book set will be provided.
Note 2 - You can pay fee online safely using a secure bank payment A/C 2032651000000107 IFSC- IBKL0002032
(Books, Uniform & Transport fee will be charge extra).